FSMA Preventive Controls

Since September 17th 2016, the FDA has installed a new Food Safety System in the US. The FSMA food safety system focuses on the application of risk based preventive controls for environmental pathogens (process preventive controls), allergens, sanitation, supply chain and other aspects.

The FSMA Food Safety System addresses not only to food processors and manufacturers within the United States, but will affect all food manufacturers exporting food products and semi-fabricates to the US.


RPN EXCELLENCE AG aims at supporting international food manufacturers in all aspects of the risk based preventive control system:

  • Microbial risk assessement and hazard analysis
  • Validation of thermal processes  (and other preventive controls)
  • Establishment and verification of food safety plan and its elements
  • Training of Preventive Control Qualified Individuals PCQI according FSPCA (Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance)

Please contact us for more information: info(at)rpnag.ch

Download our new FSMA / Food Safety brochure here




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CH-6210 Sursee


Tel. +41 41 980 52 55

Mobile +41 79 830 44 09
